
Website 4.0 was in the troubleshooting phase when I discovered a cache of some 10+ pieces of art in the closet (as I was starting to clean in anticipation of the move next week).

Watched the bucks win the season opener yesterday in what must have been a humiliating defeat for texas. The next game is Kent state...which is surely the largest mismatch since OU or WVU.

I've been rowing on the rowing machine for half an hour every single day for two weeks now...I don't think I'm losing weight..or at least not that much. Suppose I could stop eating so much...

The time has come to reveal the new message board, as this URL will cease to exist on September 7th. To visit the new board click here. Please note that the new site will not be up before September 17th (as that's when our DSL service starts).

TOOL countdown: 4 days (monday)

A groan of tedium escapes me, startling the fearful.
Is this a test?
It has to be. Otherwise I can't go on.
Draining patience. drain vitality.
this paranoid, paralyzed vampire act's a little old.

If there were no rewards to reap,
no loving embrace to see me through this tedious path I've chosen here,
I certainly would've walked away by now.

I still may. And I still may.
Be patient.